Student Solution


"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

week 3- Discussion- child development

week 3- Discussion- child development

Q The good old debate of breast milk vs. bottle feed infants. Lets pretend that a good friend is about to have a baby. She comes to you for advice because after all, you have completed the child development course so you are en expert! What would you tell her about breast milk and/or bottle milk? Would you push her towards one or point out the benefits of both? Why?

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Both bottle milk and breast milk helps in providing hydration, energy and nutrients to the baby. But many of the aspects show that human milk has been considered to be perfect food for human babies as it helps in providing health benefits which cannot be given through bottled milk. Most of the health experts believe that breast milk has the best nutritional choices that are required for the infants. There are chances that not all women can breast feed their children due to their lifestyles or specific medical problems which involve the use of bottled milk for the children.